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Imais King Owens
written by his mommy, JOrdan owens
July 14th 2017. I was 28 weeks pregnant with Imais King Owens. My baby was usually very active. I noticed he was not moving. I got worried and called my doctor. Doctor had me come in that afternoon. I waited in the waiting room for 30 minutes that felt like hours. They took me back to the room and begin searching for heartbeat on Doppler.
Unable to find heartbeat doctor took me straight to sonogram. His words this don't look good at all I'm so sorry. Imais King Owens had passed away. Doctor sent me home and told me to wait on his phone call. I went home and told my five children their brother had passed away. Everyone in the room was crying scared and confused.
That evening I had got a phone call from my doctor and his partner. They had decided with me being high risk that a C-section should be done at Wesley Medical Center the next day at 3 pm. I cried the whole night laying in bed holding my belly knowing my baby was gone. That morning we went by Walmart so I could get him a blanket and stuffed animal. I remember checking out and the lady said do you know what you are having. All I could do was cry.
I was sedated during my c-section but I could still hear the doctors talking. The one thing I remember the most hearing was doctor say baby is out. That moment I knew this was not a nightmare and it was my reality. After c-section doctor asked if I wanted to see the cord. He brought over the umbilical cord and showed us where it had twisted cutting off his circulation. I held my son for 24 hours before I called the funeral home to come pick him up.
He was 2 lbs 4 oz 14 1/2 in Long. He was the most beautiful baby. He was so perfect in every way. I will forever cherish the short time that I got with him.
We received a cradle after delivering our son. It was one of our most treasured items and still is. I often kiss and cuddle our cradle. It's the one thing that cradled him as close as my womb. Bridget's cradles is a wonderful organization. They have been with me throughout my journey. Our family loves to participate in Bridget's Cradles Wichita Wave of Light - Pregnancy and Infant Loss candlelight vigil every October. I love going to Support and Serve and Create and Remember gatherings. I am so blessed to not walk this journey alone. Thank you Bridget's Cradles for walking this journey with us.
Poem written by Jordan Owens:
A small white cradle.
A small white cradle. White lace with gold trim.
A butterfly on the top and a cross on the bottom. So softly and gently cradles our son.
A small white cradle. Inside of the shadow box hanging on the wall. Memories of our beautiful angel.
A small white cradle. Crochet together in memory of a baby girl named Bridget.
Thank you, Bridget's Cradles, for everything you do.
share your baby's
life story
If you received a cradle for your baby in Heaven, we pray that it was comforting to you in your time of loss and allowed you to cuddle your baby in the moments you had together. We would be more than honored to hear about your baby's life story and share about him or her with the world, if that would be healing to you.