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2024 Impact Report

We can't wait for you to read our 2024 Impact Report!

Last year was one of the hardest years of my life. The tragic and sudden death of my dad, Steve Golik, at the hands of a drunk driver threw my life into a tailspin. He entered Heaven on August 4, 2024.


After his funeral, I returned to work immediately, as the ministry was in the busy season of planning Wave of Light and hosting our Shine Their Light fundraiser. Although the event was beautiful and the fundraiser successful, last year felt like a blur to me.


I have been in a deep season of grief, enduring waves of fresh sorrow and debilitating trauma while navigating the legal complexities of the drunk driver’s criminal case.


In the coming year, I plan to take time to rest and recover physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I will be taking a two-month summer sabbatical, as well as attending several retreats and intensive counseling sessions. The Lord wants me to model what it means to grieve well and take care of myself so that I can continue to serve in this ministry for many more years. I am grateful to be supported by an amazing team that is capable of not only running but also leading the ministry in my short absence. 


In the meantime, I stand in awe of all God accomplished, even during such a challenging year. As you explore the pages of our 2024 Impact Report, will you join us in praising Him for all the beauty He created from ashes?


This is what God does best. It’s how Bridget's Cradles began, and it’s how He continues to sustain us year after year — on the mountaintops and in the valleys. He is faithful.

We hope you'll be inspired by what we accomplished together in 2024:

When you read the 2024 Report, you’ll see how God orchestrated the impact of our mission through the selflessness of many amazing volunteers and supporters.

Will you join us in thanking Him for all the people who served in our ministry in 2024? We also ask for Him to do immeasurably more than we can expect or imagine in the year to come! Will YOU be part of the answer to that prayer?

For ways to support our mission in 2025, please visit:

With Hope,

Ashley Opliger

Founder + Executive Director

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Instagram @ashleyopliger

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