Sara Horton (far right), a Chandler, Arizona resident, recently coordinated a visit between Bridget's Cradles and her local hospital, Banner Gateway Medical Center (Gilbert, AZ).
In memory of her sons Charlie, Cooper, and Camden, Sara (and her team of fellow nurses) accepted a donation of Bridget's Cradles from founder Ashley Opliger, who was in town on her husband's business trip.
Sara, a bereaved mom and nurse, had previously received two cradles for her sons Cooper and Camden. Since then, she has attended several Hope Online support groups. In addition, Sara and her husband, Brandon, traveled to Wichita, Kansas, to attend Bridget's Cradles annual Wave of Light event last year.

Ashley met Sara at the Women and Infants Service ward of the hospital and delivered 25 cradles and 25 memory keepsakes. Together, they donated the cradles to a team of nurses, many of whom Sara personally supervises.
Sara shared, "Bridgets Cradles means so much to me as they were instrumental in my grief journey after losing two of my boys, Cooper (2022) and Camden (2023). It was humbling and a great honor to do ministry work for Bridget’s Cradles alongside Ashley while she was visiting our sunny state of Arizona!
It was exciting to be a tiny part of their wonderful ministry, helping open the door for them to be in a new hospital, Banner Gateway Medical Center. I know each of those cradles was made with love and compassion and prayed over before their arrival at the hospital!
Although I wish no one had the need for those precious cradles, I am thankful for the families that will have the opportunity to learn about our loving Savior and God of all hope and peace while they walk through the deepest, darkest days of their lives because of the ministry of Bridget’s Cradles! That’s what Bridget’s Cradles is all about, pointing grieving mamas and their families to the eternal hope we have in Christ, even when life tells us it’s hopeless!”
We appreciate Sara's heart for serving grieving families in memory of her sons Charlie, Cooper, and Camden.
Thank you, Banner Gateway Medical Center, for your commitment to providing compassionate care to your bereaved patients.

Are you a hospital staff member? Request a free donation of cradles:
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