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Bridget's Cradles

Brylyn Albright | Featured Story

Brylyn was born early due to complications with a shortened cervix. He lived for two hours and six minutes, and we received a cradle for him when he passed. We had the chance to get pictures with him inside the cradle.

For me, the cradle meant my baby was safe in Jesus’ arms. When he was placed in there, I knew he was right where he needed to be.

I hug the cradle daily knowing that my blessing is watching over me from Heaven's gate.

[Brittany lives near Bridget's Cradles headquarters in Wichita, Kansas and attended a Hope Gathering Support & Serve support group the month after losing Brylyn. Here is what she had to say after attending.]

The support group meant everything to me because I was able to be around other women who had experienced the loss of a baby. I was glad to be able to freely express myself without being told I’m overreacting.

Hearing other stories from the moms about their experience and how they got their rainbow baby, gave me the courage that having faith in God, I will see my baby again [and hopefully one day] give them a brother or sister.

The message was powerful learning about triggers and being told to grieve as long as I needed to. I look forward to the next support and serve group.

Written by Brittany Albright, mother of Brylyn, born into Heaven 5/17/21 at 20 weeks 6 days

Please leave some love and encouragement for Brittany in the comments below. We appreciate your prayers for their family.


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