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Katherine Hill | Featured Story

Bridget's Cradles

At 20 weeks I went in to get my routine ultrasound. Due to COVID-19, I was the only one allowed in the room and I could see that something was wrong on the ultrasound. I asked the ultrasound tech if she had a heartbeat, and she stated that the provider will be in to speak with me more.

My maternal-fetal medicine doctor came in and told me that my sweet girl had a blood clot in her umbilical cord and she did not have a heartbeat. I delivered her on September 13th and she was beautiful.

The nurses wrapped my precious baby in her sweet cradle, and I keep it close to me. I'm so grateful for this precious keepsake.

Written by Amy Hill, mother of Katherine Hill, born into Heaven 9/13/2021 at 21 weeks

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