After struggling with infertility for the last 16 years, my sweet baby Laila proved that God answers prayers.
In early February, I found out we were pregnant, something we never imagined would finally happen for us. We were beyond excited and anxious and got ultrasounds every two weeks to continue to build closeness with our baby. Things were going as planned and baby was growing healthy.
On April 13th, after a day of shopping for some baby stuff, I began to have cramping and bleeding so we went to the ER. I was scared of the worst and hoping for the best. Baby was fine with a good heart rate and hcg levels were where they needed to be.
The following Tuesday, I was bleeding again and went to a different ER where testing and ultrasound showed baby was still doing good.
The next morning I was in severe pain and could hardly stand and the ambulance took me back to the hospital where I got to see the ultrasound and our little baby moving all around. The hospital released me with antibiotics for a possible UTI.
On Friday I felt great and had family over for a cookout and after they left I began to start having sharp back pains that eventually radiated to the front. They began to quickly get intolerable and my husband called 911. When paramedics arrived they could tell I was in preterm labor and having contractions.
I was rushed to the hospital where our sweet baby girl was seen, but without a heartbeat this time. I was in too much pain to even take in that I had lost my miracle baby. After 5 hours at our local ER, I was transferred to Magee Hospital an hour away.
Just as the ambulance was backing in at the hospital, I gave birth to our sweet little Laila Mae. Our hearts shattered. Our sweet baby came way too soon, but we now have the most precious daughter in Heaven.
I sat in the ER for hours after delivering our 15-week-old baby. Doctors were in and out examining and talking to me about my options for the baby’s body and if I wanted to see the baby.
My husband and I finally asked to see her and be given some time alone. I honestly was expecting them to hand her to me in the bed pad the ambulance had wrapped her in. Instead, the nurse took her, cleaned her up, and brought her to us in a beautiful white crocheted cradle.

She looked so peaceful and I could feel the warmth coming through the cradle. We held her wrapped in the cradle and mourned our loss. The cradle had a beautiful little cross on the end.
It just meant a lot to know people make these beautiful cradles for our precious babies that we sadly have to say goodbye to way too soon.
Written by Cassie Moran-Reighert, mother of Laila Mae, born on 4/22/2023 at 15 weeks.
Please leave some love and encouragement for Cassie in the comments below. We appreciate your prayers for her and their family.
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Cassie, Thank you for your comments. As a cradle crocheter, it is nice to hear that our work is helpful to families going through a difficult time. My heart goes out to you. I hope that your memories of Laila will eventually come with a smile. I am praying for much future happiness.