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Leading the Way at NewSpring Church | June 2024

Bridget's Cradles

Ashley Opliger (Founder + Executive Director) speaks to a group of 6-9th grade girls at Newspring Church's Leading the Way summer youth event.

Bridget's Cradles had the honor of participating in Newspring Church's second annual summer youth event, Leading the Way.

Over 100 6th-9th grade girls participated in a two-hour service project for Bridget's Cradles. They tagged thousands of memory keepsakes, hole-punched thousands of cradle tags, laminated hundreds of hospital information packets, threaded ribbons through dozens of cradles, and cut thousands of pieces of yarn! It was an incredibly productive two hours, which will result in thousands upon thousands of grieving families being comforted.

In addition, Ashley Opliger (Founder + Executive Director) had the opportunity to share her testimony and a message on 2 Corinthians 1:4. She encouraged the girls to use the same comfort God has given them to comfort others. Ashley also spoke about how God can use anyone for His glory as long as we keep giving Him our daily surrendered "yes."

Even though they were on "red" and "blue" teams for the event, competing against each other in games and memorizing Bible versesduring this time with Bridget's Cradlesthey were all on the same team: TEAM JESUS! Way to go, girls, on serving Him with your time and talents!!

Lastly, each of the young girls also wrote prayer cards for our grieving moms to read during our support groups. Their sweet words and prayers were so encouraging and brought tears to our eyes. ❤️

Thank you, Newspring Church, for orchestrating yet another incredible Leading the Way event!

Are you interested in hosting a community service project event with us?

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