I lost my sweet baby boy without understanding what that really would ever feel like. I knew it would be hard but I didn’t understand this hard. My boy was my purpose, my heartbeat, my mission to grow myself, better myself, be strong and I lost it all in a blink of an eye.
I gave birth in the emergency room and I was immediately sent to labor and delivery; not for Leo and me to be together, but for surgery. I was not even able to hold him right after. Everything was a blur.

If I did not have the support of the hospital, the cradle, the memories of him in my belly, and the love I felt in the time of being pregnant; it would have been so much harder. I know I wasn't alone for those moments. My baby is in Heaven, but it does not mean I can not cherish him and celebrate his Heaven day on his birthday.

One thing this traumatic experience has shown me is that I have to keep living, loving, and seeing the happiness in the world. For Leo, I have to live for all the things he would have experienced for the first time.
My baby boy, I miss you. You are the reason I am a mother, the reason my heart is so pure. My boy you changed my world for the better, and for that I thank you.
I thank you for the times in my belly, the times I would sing to you before bed. I’m thankful for all you are and all the beautiful times I had with you. I will make you proud of your mama.

What I love about Bridget's Cradles is knowing Bridget's legacy is helping mothers and families grieving. I want to remember my son in such an amazing light and if that means I can touch hearts of others like Bridget has done…I know my son is proud and is still living on through an amazing cause.
Written by Elyssa Flores, mother of Leo Hernandez, born on 12/9/2022 at 18 weeks.
Please leave some love and encouragement for Elyssa in the comments below. We appreciate your prayers for her.
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