We were so shocked to find out we were having twins. My two-year-old son told me they were girls from the beginning, and he was right! We imagined how crazy and fun our life would be with Story and Scottie.
I do ultrasounds for a living so I constantly scanned them to make sure they were ok. They looked so healthy until one day, Scottie had fluid collecting in her tiny body. Within a few days, both girls no longer had heartbeats. It had all happened so fast.
It was devastating to tell my son his baby sissies were no longer going to be in mommy’s belly. We took a few days to process and grieve before going into the hospital to deliver them. My husband and I were so nervous about what it would be like delivering them and seeing them.
I wasn’t sure how hard it would be for me to look at them, but I knew I wanted to hold them so I wouldn't regret anything. Once my tiny, perfectly formed babies were out, I couldn’t stop looking at them. I wanted to touch them and hold them and tell them how much I loved them.
It was wonderful to have these pretty little cradles to put them in as I thought about the fact I would never get to dress them up like I had imagined. My friend took pictures of them in the cradles for me. It was such a comfort to have something special for them in the brief hours I got to spend with Story and Scottie.

Written by Jordan, mother of twin girls Story and Scottie, born on 05/13/24 at 19 weeks.
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